Jerusalem (in Hebrew: ירושלים) is the capital city of Israel, and the largest city in the State of Israel.
Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East and was founded in the Chalcolithic period. Located in the Judean Mountains.
Main institutions and sites located Jerusalem: (Partial List)
- Israeli Knesset
- Supreme Court
- Prime Minister's residence
- President's Residence
- National Police Headquarters
- The Israel Museum
- The Western Wall
- Yad Vashem
- The Biblical Zoo
- Teddy Stadium
- The Chords Bridge
- The Hebrew University
- The National Library
- City Of David
- Tower Of David
- Herzl Center
The Main Neighborhoods In Jerusalem: (Partial List)
- Pisgat Ze'ev
- Neve Ya'akov
- Har Hozvim
- Kiryat Yovel
- Ramat Denia
- Bait Vagan
- Ein Karem
- Kiryat Menachem
- Har Nof
- Givat Shaul
- Kiryat Moshe
- Rehavia
- Yamin Moshe
- The German Colony
- Katamon
- Kiryat Shmuel
- Mahane Yehuda
- Mea Shearim
- Ruhama
- Zichron Moshe
- Givat Ram
- Abu Tor
- The French Hill
- Sanhedria
- Ma'ale Dafna
The Mayors Of Jerusalem Over The Years:
- Daniel Oster
- Shlomo Zalman Shragai
- Yitzhak Kariv
- Gershon Agron
- Mordechai Ish Shalom
- Teddy Kolek
- Ehud Olmert
- Uri Lupoliansky
- Nir Barakat
- Moshe Leon
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1. Add a list of tourist sites in Jerusalem.
2. An integrated map of jersalem, embedded into the page.